Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Woes of Living in a Mumbai Suburb

We have been living at a Mumbai suburb since 1996. Being close to the Mumbai metropolis the place has developed a lot over the last decade. It happens to be one of the better places to live for working couples with reasonable cost of living and plenty of choices. Good schools, good colleges, business schools and engineering colleges, shopping malls, better houses, more roads, more connectivity with Mumbai, a few good hospitals, et al. A lot of good things have taken place. But beneath all this has started a big problem which has been affecting everyone staying here for the past few months which has now taken gigantic proportions.

The waste and filth from each and every household or shop is never cleared for days and weeks together. Some time back I tried to find out from the municipal corporation people who come belatedly with their trucks for the removal of debris. They say they do not have a place to dump it. They come once a week. Sometimes it takes two weeks for them to turn up. The elected people sitting in the municipality and wielding a lot of power would be able to answer this much better.

If you walk across this place you will be greeted everywhere with garbage at the gates of housing societies, schools, malls, shops. I have thought this problem will come to an end like all others in its natural course. But I see no light at the end of the tunnel. It has become a part of our lives. The stench is so disgusting you feel like vomiting any moment. It is a severe health hazard for the community. But are there any listeners at the high echelons? I keep my fingers crossed and only hope some day we will lead a healthy life which we rightly deserve.

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