Monday, July 26, 2010

The Gratitude Rock by Lee Brower

Who is Lee Brower?

Lee Brower is a multigenerational wealth expert and founder of The Quadrant Living Experience, LLC, an internationally recognized educational and philanthropic organization teaching a radically successful system called The Brower Quadrant. A noted authority on helping prestigious families create enduring legacies that flourish generation after generation, he is also an accomplished teacher and mentor for entrepreneurs and CEOs. His breakthrough ideas and concepts on preserving wealth are changing the landscape of leadership in a variety of places, from private homes and small businesses to public corporations and large educational institutions. Most recently, he was featured in the blockbuster book and film The Secret, where he shares invaluable insights about gratitude and other tools to success.

With more than 30 years experience, Lee utilizes his transformational Brower Quadrant System to guide people on successfully protecting, empowering, and honoring their “true wealth”—which isn’t just about money and property. Put simply, he helps people recognize and tap into all of their assets, including those one doesn’t typically think about, such as wisdom, experience, reputation, networks, health, skills, talents, values, and habits. Through this system, he offers realistic roadmaps for achieving a lasting legacy that can stand the test of time.

The Gratitude Rock

"Gratitude is the heart’s memory." A French Proverb

“Just 4 Today”… every day… I choose to be in an attitude of gratitude. I get to choose how each day begins and receive the positive energy that accompanies my awareness and gratitude for all the many blessings in my life. Does life seem to move at such a fast pace that you unconsciously ignore all of the wonderful experiences, relationships and blessings in life? That was exactly what was happening to me. I was in a fog… over-focusing on the future, ignoring the learning experiences of the past and flying through the present like an F-16 after the Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl.

I have some amazing daughters. I am so proud of all of them. It took the struggles of one of my daughters, however, to awaken me from this self centered sleep. A few years ago, after struggling with an addiction of substance abuse for many years, she hit a major breaking point and really needed help. Together, we researched and selected a program that we/she felt would make a positive impact on her life going forward.

At the door of this facility, we hugged and said our good-byes. With great emotion, my daughter hung her head and through smothered sobs uttered words of regret. She apologized for being a burden and a disgrace to our family. My heart ached.

I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her beautiful tears-filled green eyes.

“Sweetheart, by going through this experience will you come out the other end better off or worse off?”Her jaw tightened up and she proclaimed that she would be much better.

“And, if you allow me and the rest of our family to go through this experience with you, and we learn from this, then, are we going to be better off or worse off for having gone through this experience?”

“Better,” she said with humility.

“So let’s get going! I am ready if you are.” Before we parted, I left her with one last thought. Since she was twelve years old, she has had the nickname of “Mariposa” which is Spanish for butterfly. I reminded her that she has known the struggle of the caterpillar; the loneliness of the cocoon; and now she was about to experience the flight and elegance of the butterfly.

That very day, I took a solo trip to a California coastal resort to get away for a few days for some introspection and to work on my writings. The next morning I was walking on the beach contemplating life’s challenges and opportunities. As I slowly strolled along the edge of the foam, breathing in the fresh morning breeze tumbling off the waves, my gaze was drawn to a dark colored rock. It actually seemed to be glowing and I couldn’t resist picking it up. As I examined this gray rock, I turned it over and there in black was the image of a butterfly in flight!

My heart stopped.
My throat tightened.
Was this a message to me to focus on the beauty of the flight?
I knew it belonged to my daughter.
I pocketed it and sent it to her.

When she received this little rock in the mail sent priority FedEx, she was anxious to call me and find out what this was all about. I told her to keep it close to her and every time she touched it, to think of something that she was grateful for. I told her I was going to hunt for my own rock and I would do the same.

Every morning when I get dressed and reach for my wallet, there is my rock. It immediately reminds me to drop to my knees and express gratitude for the many incredible relationships, experiences and blessings in my life. I actually visualize those things I am grateful for. I conclude by visualizing the day and the outcomes I desire for the day. During the day, each time I touch the rock, I am again reminded of my vision and gratitude. Then, at the conclusion of the day, as I take the rock out and place it on its special place on my bed stand, I capture the experiences and once again take time to express my appreciation.

Where ever I go, I now collect “gratitude” rocks and I will continue to give them to anyone who is looking for a system to keep them in an attitude of gratitude. Sincere gratitude is the lubricant that allows the law of attraction to work for us.

"Gratitude may not be the greatest of virtues, but it is the parent of all the others."

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