Sunday, January 31, 2010

Unlike China, India has growth with values: Dr. Manmohan Singh

Bull in a China shop is not an expression one would normally use to describe India’s mild-mannered Prime Minister, but at a Washington think-tank on Monday evening Dr. Manmohan Singh was anything but delicate on India’s newly nettlesome neighbour before an audience that is largely in thrall of the Middle Kingdom’s meteoric rise on the global stage.

He was also unexpectedly tetchy about comparisons between Indian and Chinese economic growth, saying while there is no doubt that Chinese performance is superior to India's, ''there are other values which are important than the growth of Gross Domestic Product.''

''I think the respect for fundamental human rights, the respect for the rule of law, respect for multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious rights, I think those have values. So, even the Indian perforce with regard to the GDP might not be as good as the Chinese, certainly I would not like to choose the Chinese path," he said in unusually blunt remarks that constituted a criticism of the Chinese model.


CA Suprio Ghatak said...

How will the respect for the rule of law, respect for multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious rights improve the economic performance of a country? They have and will always improve the society like in India. These are social issues which are not experienced and understood by people who have lived in a communist country or in a nation ruled by the army or in a monarchy.

India's economic growth cannot be compared to that of China. But that is our PM's point. At what cost have they done it?

CA Suprio Ghatak said...

Instead of developing we are more into defending our country. That has increased the budget manifold and has to be paid by the citizens. Obviously when you go on buying/manufacturing arms and ammunition thinking of an impending war with one of your neighbours development suffers a lot.

We fought a war with China in 1962. Why and what has been the consequences you can find out for yourself.

They have everything to do with values which a country propagates.